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 Nokturnal Mortum

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Blackeu Viking

Nombre de messages : 2711
Localisation : Dans la forêt d'Asgard
Date d'inscription : 13/02/2006

Nokturnal Mortum Empty
MessageSujet: Nokturnal Mortum   Nokturnal Mortum EmptyDim 9 Avr - 17:26

Nokturnal Mortum(Ukraine) Discographie + Line Up :

1994 - Twilightfall
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass
Wortherax - Guitar

1995 - Lunar Poetry
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass
Wortherax - Guitar

1996 - Goat Horns
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass
Wortherax - Guitar

1996 - Return of the Vampire Lord (EP)
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass
Wortherax - Guitar

1997 - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

1997 - Nokturnal Mortum - Lucifugum (Split)
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

1997 - Marble Moon (EP)
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

1999 - NeChrist
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

2003 - Return of the Vampire Lord - Marble Moon
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

2004 - Eleven Years Among The Sheep (Compile)
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

2005 - Weltanschauung
Knjaz Varggoth - Vocals / guitars
Saturious - Keyboards
Munruthel - Drums
Xaarquath - Bass

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